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Building digital products, immersive visuals, and capturing moments.

I'm a self-taught software engineer working on full-stack web development, real-time computer graphics, and photography.

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At A Glance.

Computer Graphics

Photorealistic Visuals

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Web Development

Engaging Products

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Surreal Memories

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Shaders Written


Code Commits


Photos Taken

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C# logo
Unity logo
Javascript logo
GraphQL logo
ReactJS logo
OpenGL logo
DirectX logo
Shopify logo
VueJS logo
NodeJS logo

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Computer Graphics.

Physically-based Sky

A real-time sky simulation that provides a full day-night transition. It mimics the sky based on real properties of light entering and scattering throughout the atmosphere. This solution accounts for volumetric fog and includes a simple volumetric cloud solution.

Ocean Rendering

A real-time ocean simulation that respects wind speeds shaping the waves, and responds to the Sun's angle to create reflections and scatter light appropriately throughout the surface of the water.

Camera Simulation

A real-time camera simulation that acts as a modern digital camera with ISO, aperture, and shutter speed control. It also features multiple metering modes for auto exposure and cinematic lens properties for creating anamorphic bokeh. Additionally, there is some custom-made lens flare effects, creating a realistic starburst effect on bright surfaces.

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Web Development.

Git Branch Visual


A simple real-time voting app that gives users the ability to create polls, share and vote on them. Built on NodeJS, PostgreSQL, GraphQL subscriptions, React

Wishlist Sync

An app that allows you to build and manage your wishlist, and share it with others, all without having to create an account. Built on NodeJS, GraphQL, MongoDB, React

This Website

This site was coded from scratch by me! Used to show off my skills and the things I've worked on, built on NextJS

Fyre Recipes

A recipe website that lets you build, share and explore recipes from different chefs. Built using TypeScript, GraphQL, PostgreSQL, React

Mirrorless Outline Drawing

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Sunrise Portrait

A capture from morning with a very glowy ambient and indirect light

Antique Winery

An all encompassing glance at one of the oldest wineries in Ohio

Snowy Dog

Playful dog captured while walking through the snow

Prom Night

Golden hour shot of a prom night couple perfectly rim lit

Camera Lens Exploded View

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About Me.

Triangle Background Element
Circle Background Element

Hi, I'm William Germany.

I have a strong passion for technology, programming, mathematics and art. I taught myself different ways to apply these concepts to build creative solutions to real-world problems.

Roughly 13 years of experience, from tinkering with files to enhance video games, being the lead programmer on the robotics team, developing complex 3D games with others, to making production-ready applications used by top companies today.



Let's touch base.


I'm available for work.

I'm currently working a full-time position, but I am actively seeking a part-time role for a more continued effort or gig work related to the things I know best.

Feel free to reach out to me about what it is we can work on together. I look forward to applying my creativity and skills towards any projects necessary.